Monday, August 30, 2010

     World War Two was a period of social unrest and violent uprisings. It was a very important time in history for everybody in Europe, especially the people of Germany. Jewish people were discriminated against, and then slaughtered according to the whims of one man, supposedly to purify Europe in preparation for the triumph of the superior Aryan race. This man, named Adolf Hitler, was the leader of the Nazi Party, who, in the end, were responsible for the deaths of over six million Jews and various other ethnic groups.
      I used to think that World War Two was just the Nazi Party going crazy and killing a bunch of people, particularly the Jewish people. While this is true, there is much more method to the madness of the Nazis. After further study of WW2, I found there was much more depth and history to the Nazi Party then just their reign of terror in the 1930s and 1940s. The Nazis originally began as the German Workers Party, which was provided as an alternative to the Communist Party and the German Social Democrat Party. Hitler was appointed to spy on the party by the government, but found the party to his liking. He soon joined the executive ranks in the party, and was appointed propaganda manager. Anti-Semitism was a major point of the Hitler's propaganda and was a founding idea of the party.
     World War Two was the culminating point of years of violence and hatred, and what happened when the men and women who harbored those feelings came into power. Many people came to find out that ethic and religious diversity can often be the most vicious, with people believing that they are better according to the color of their skin and what they believe in. I myself find it hard to believe that anyone could base their beliefs upon such a pompous superiority complex.

1 comment:

  1. 10/10:
    Your blog looks great Chase! I really liked your introduction, you did a nice job of leading your reader into the information that you found.

    For future posts, you might want to include a link to your sources so that you and your readers can always refer back to them.

    Very well written! :)
